Monday, April 30, 2012

Working with Time

It was great to see all of the exciting board games today! I know that you all had a great time playing them and practicing your probability skills. We have a few more days left to try out all of the board games.

In the mean time, continue to practice your knowledge of time at home. After we have finished up with the board games, we will be continuing on with Measurement.

Here are some great websites for you to practice your knowledge of time.

Remember that Reading Goals are due and to bring in a special rock from your backyard!

Mr. Frail

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Multiplication and Division Practice

Hey students! I am posting some websites to give you additional support with your practice of multiplication and division. Please take the time to practice these skills as it will be an important factor in grade 5. Study the multiplication chart and continue to work on your division skills!

That is all for now! Happy Practicing!!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Weekend Practice

Practice is always a great thing! Take some time to explore these websites below. In them, you will find many of the same concepts that we are learning in the classroom.

For example, below you will find some great websites based on fractions.

This website will allow you to explore more of the story elements that we have been studying in class. The second website below will also allow you to create your own myth/legend.

Here are some cool websites for Medieval Times. Maybe you can download some of the cool tunes from the second link into your Ipod!

Have a super weekend everyone! See you on Monday!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Math Homework and Extra Practice

Hello students! Good luck tonight on your math homework. I am sure that you will all do great. If you need a refresher on faces, edges, and vertices here is a quick note.

Faces: The flat surfaces on a shape. A cube has six faces.

Edges: The edges or straight lines that make up a 3D shape.

Vertices: Otherwise known as points. A vertex is where two lines meet.

This is a great website for reviewing many of the concepts we have been learning about 3D geometry. Besides the talking sea shells that might creep you out...I think you will enjoy the activities.

These are some great websites that will compliment our unit on Medieval Times.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Geometry Practice

Hello students! I really enjoyed making 3D prisms with you today. Here is something to remember! Remember that you can classify shapes based on more information than their sides and corners. Look for things like angles and sets of parallel lines. For example, a square has four equal sides, but it also has four right angles. Just a heads up for a possible small quiz this week.

Here are some great websites to practice your knowledge of shapes, both 2D and 3D. Check them out!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Angle Practice

Hello students! I wanted to post these links from my math lesson this morning. I think they will give you extra practice using a protractor. Remember all of the golden rules that we have been talking about in class to measure angles correctly.

Here is another website that gives further practice in measuring angles using a protractor.

This website offers a quick quiz on measuring angles.

Monday, January 30, 2012

All About Legends

I love reading about legends! But do you know what makes a legend a legend? Here are some key characteristics that a legend must have...

1) People believe that legends are true stories.

2) Legends are storings that are set in a real time or place in the past.

3) The main character is much braver than other people and does something heroic.

4) Legends are told again and again.

Here are some great websites that you can read all about legends.

In math we have been working on geometry. Today we began looking at angles. This website is a good general reference for common angles that you see in the real world.

This is another great website for practicing your knowledge of geometry.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Math Websites

Hello students! I think the treasure map idea for geometry is going to turn out great. I can't wait to see all of your treasure maps. Remember, if you have an extra bottle that is around, you can bring it in to store your map. In the meantime, here are some great websites that you can begin to practice some geometry skills on.

This is a good website that allows you to practice on various levels. There is math arcade, computation, and problems that you can solve. Check it out.

Here is a website that explains how symmetry works. Symmetry will be a part of our geometry unit and art.

Finally, this is a great website to practice your geometry skills on. Try the lessons and activities.

Monday, January 16, 2012


Hello students! I am sorry that I couldn't be with you all this afternoon, but we were working very hard planning your next TLCP unit! I will unveil it very shortly to you. I am posting a few links for you to check out at home.

The first link that I am posting is due to popular demand. Cargo Bridge is a great game that tests your knowledge of design, engineering, and physics. All fancy words eh? Have Mom and Dad try this game to see if they can build a successful bridge.

Here is a website that will give you extra support in conducting a survey. You are asked to pick data and tally the results on a tally chart. A pretty good game overall!

This is a cool website about a 5th grade class who decided to clean up a beach. They took their results and graphed them. See if you can help out the class!

That is all for now! See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


To help with your understanding of light, I have found some fun websites to check out! The first one is a game that shows how you light can be reflected.

Here is another website that lets you practice using reflections and mirrors.

Have a great night everyone! See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Welcome Back

Hello students! I hope that you all had a wonderful and relaxing holiday during your break. It is nice to see everyone back healthy and safe. I wanted to share a few websites with you that will help with your learning while having fun.

This is a great website that you can use to practice both your language and math skills. Check it out!

If you enjoy Robert Munsch books, he has a great website that you can read his stories and poems online.

Here is a great website to practice your typing skills online!

That is all for now!