Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Food Chain

It has been interesting to learn about habitats for our science lesson. What is even more interesting to know about is food chains! Think about where your dinner comes from. If you are having a hamburger for dinner tonight...think about the chain that is involved. Hamburgers come from cows which in turn eat grass. That same grass gets its food from the sun! That is just the meat part...imagine the bun, tomatoes, and pickles! Here is a great website that will give you practice on working with food chains.

What happens when you introduce a species of animal to a new habitat? Think about our reading today on St. Matthew's Island. What happened when reindeer were introduced to the island? What did that do to other animals such as voles and arctic foxes that also lived on the island? What about the lichen or plant life that lived on the island?

If you would like to refresh your knowledge of patterns....please check out this website! It goes over a lot of the material that we talked about in class.

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