Monday, December 19, 2011

Winter Break is Almost Here

Hey Students! I can't believe that winter break is just around the corner. After this week, you will be off for a few weeks. Although winter break is so very close, we still have to finish up a few things in the classroom!

Check out this awesome website on graphing. You can make all kinds of different graphs and experiment using dating. Here is the link

I know that many of you are disappointed that you can't take your best friend's home with you, but here is a link that will help you when you are stuck on a difficult word!!!

Here is another website that works on listening skills. Listen to the fables and see if you can answer the questions correctly.

That is all for now! Looking forward to an awesome week.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Graphing Fun

Phew! Patterning and Algebra are all finished up.....for a while anyways.

Today we began our new unit on Data Management. Remember that data is information and management is collecting/organizing it. Think about something that you want to learn or a question that you are interested in asking our class. Tomorrow for math, you will have the chance to survey students in our class about your question.

Here are some great websites for additional practice in Data Management.

Just a reminder that Friday is a Civies Day. You can bring in $2.00 or a canned good to participate. All donations go to charity.

That is all for now!

Monday, December 5, 2011


Hello students! In a few days, you are going to begin researching for your final assignment for our TLCP unit. Think about two animals that you are interested in. You will need to do a comparison with these animals. Here is a great website to get you to started on thinking about your choices.

Continue to practice your multiplication at home. Use the multiplication chart that I printed off for you to memorize your facts. Remember the special relationship between multiplication and division. If 6 x 4 = 24 then 24 divided by 4 = 6. You could also say 24 divided by 6 = 4. Here are some great games that will help you build your multiplication knowledge.

That is all for now! Keep practicing those multiplication facts.